Wiki EEG and EKG

Peggy M

Bismarck, ND
Best answers
If you do an EEG (95816) and the provider reads the cardiac rhythm strip and states: CARDIAC MONITOR: Single-lead EKG rhythm strip is included to assure no abnormal electrographic correlate with EEG. This shows a sinus rhythm estimated at 66 beats per minute. Can you bill seperately for the 93042?
From the CPT Assistant:
According to the Cardiography guidelines, codes 93040-93042 are appropriate when an order for the test is triggered by an event, the rhythm strip is used to help diagnose the presence or absence of an arrhythmia, and a report is generated. There must be a specific order for an electrocardiogram or rhythm strip followed by a separate, signed, written, and retrievable report. It is not appropriate to use these codes for reviewing the telemetry monitor strips taken from a monitoring system. The need for an elctrocardiogram or rhythm strip should be supported by documentation in the patient medical record.