Wiki EEG 48 hours interp


Vandalia, OH
Best answers
We bill for a neurologist who just does EEG interpretations at our facility. Lately he had a few patients who have a 48 hour EEG that he is reading. I know the 95953 is an the code I need to use but would I bill for 2 units for the interpretation or just one as he is doing nothing more than reviewing more feed?
If the second portion, beyond the first 24 hours, is MORE THAN 12 hours, bill a second 95953 (we bill on two lines so that we can enter additional info with the date and recording start and stop times for each 24 hour portion) with a 59 modifier (or the new modifiers if accepted by the payer).

If the second portion, beyond the first 24 hours, is 12 hours OR LESS, bill a second 95953 with modifier 52 for reduced services and with a 59 modifier (or the new modifiers if accepted by the payer).

Tammy Alton

POS for Long-term EEG at home monitoring:
I would like info on place of service for the Long-term EEG 95951. If a patient has the equipment placed in the office and then going home while the 24-48-72 hour monitoring is in place. Equipment is returned and provider from same office does interpretation.
Would you bill (HOME) as the POS since that is where the test is actually performed?

Falecia Randolph
Place of Service

Place of service codes are put claims to indicate the setting in which a service was provided. If the patient came to the office and was hooked up in the office and then returned to have equipment removed; we would use office as POS. We used to do holter monitors that way. The patient actually came to the office. Today I work for an IDTF that we do the technical component of the EEG. The physician that reads the EEG bills a POS of at home because the tech hooked the patient up at home and disconnected them at home.