Wiki Edema - what Systenm

I generally count it as a cardiovascular finding if they are documenting lower extremity edema or something similar. I know other auditors who sometimes consider it to be a musculoskeletal finding. I advise you to refer to the '97 exam guidelines when you are unsure of which system a particular finding pertains to. It is a good general guide for non-clinicians like us. Sometimes (like in this example) you find things that could be counted in 2 different areas, so there is some grey area or flexibility. The 1997 Cardiovascular Exam guidelines list 'Examination of extremities for peripheral edema" as a Cardiovascular finding. The 1997 Musculoskeletal exam also lists it as Cardiovascular, but includes similar terms like examination of tenderness or effusions as Musculoskeletal.

Similarly, If you look at the '97 Psychiatric exam guidelines, an assessment that the patient is 'Oriented to Person, Place and Time' is a Psychiatric finding. Under the '97 Neurologic exam, it's listed as a Neurologic finding.
Thanks, I would consider it Cardiovascular as well but, recently saw someone do it different (musculoskeletal) so it made me double think myself.....I don't know why I do that....UGH!