Wiki ED Visit


Largo, FL
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If a 20 year old patient at 4 weeks pregnant presents to the ER with bleeding and cramping, but refuses to have a pelvic exam by the male provider's, and the ER doctor calls a female OB/GYN and discusses the patients case which includes the history, exam, labs, radiology results and the ED course. Then the OB/GYN accepts the consult call and sees the patient in the ER. She advises the patient that she had a miscarriage and offers to do a D&C. The patient refuses, so the OB recommends a 1 time antibiotic for the patient's UTI, so the patient leaves the ER. Do I bill an ER Visit or outpatient E&M since the consulting OB doctor didn't document correctly in her notes for the consult? This one is confusing me, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
In the Medicare manual they state that if your provider is called to the ER to see a patient then you use ER visit levels with ER POS
According to Medicare guidelines, "any physician seeing a patient registered in the emergency department may use emergency department visit codes (for services matching the code description). It is not required that the physician be assigned to the emergency department."

But for non Medicare, you could use an office visit or outpatient consult code depending on the scenario.