Wiki ED E/M? Please help! Reposting since no responses


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The provider was called in to the hospital to admit a child. He went in and did a history and physical and was prepared to admit the child when the family refused to stay. What kind of E/M can we use? I really am at a loss. Any help is appreciated!!!
My understanding is that you bill the appropriate E/M code that supports what your provider did.

I see kind of the opposite in my practice - when we send someone via EMS to the ER. My providers want to smack a level 5 on it every time just because the patient went to the ER. They can't do that. I have to recode what the documentation will support and only that. Most times it's about a level 3 because the provider only evaluated the condition UP TO A POINT. And that is all you can code.

Hope that helps.