Wiki ED E/M and Endo, same day

Kerly F

Orlando, FL
Best answers
I have a patient who was seen in the ED but Never admitted.
Evaluated by ER MD, and then seen by my GI MD.
My GI MD did an E/M and immediately did an EGD, since pt had a 'foreign body in the esophagus', pt was stable, he was able to talk and breath but since this 13 yr old knew he had 'accidentally swallowed' a piece of a pen..... and was not able to regurgitate it back...
sent to ER.
Now can I code the E/M AND the EGD done in the ED with a modifier 25 or...
has anyone heard of any guidelines saying otherwise?
Also which E/M range should I use if any??
Please Help:confused:
Kerly Fernandez, CPC
If my GI Doc gets called to the ER knowing he is going to do an EGD due to a suspected FB, there really is no need for a distinct, different E&M service. Any pre-op H&P is included in the procedure. Therefore, a separate E&M service should not be billed.