Wiki ED Coding


Seaford, DE
Best answers
The E.R. Dept is coding 36415 X2 units. This is being denied saying this is a duplicate. What is the correct coding for 2 venipunctures done on the same date of service???? I am assuming this was done at a seperate time...
Also, Hospital is coding E.R. Visit 99281 and 99283. Can you code two E.R. codes in the same date of service????????
The facility can billing multiple E&M encounters on the same day. They use a 27 modifier and the G0 condition code if they are in the same revenue center.
If documentation shows two separate venupuncture sites, then you can use the 59 modifier however the second veinipuncture may still be denied as inclusive. If there are reasons for two then you can appeal with the documentation.