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Help! Coming up with different answers on billing cpt 96375 vs 96376. Scenario; patient is given one combined iv push of Ativan, Toradol, Zofran. Later in the day patient is given one iv push of Ativan. Does this scenario constitute cpt coded 96374 & 96375 (when meds are combined this is a totally 'new' drug, so unless the patient was given the very same combination of Ativan, Toradol, Zofran again, the Ativan push alone would be 96375, correct? I cannot find an answer anywhere on the web and have looked extensively. Thanks!
Since the Ativan is not a"new" substance I would could as 96376 for the additional push of the same substance. Even though it was administered early in the day as part of a multi-drug push, the substance itself is not new and would be considered the "same".
In all my years of coding ER's I have never seen those three drugs given in one push. Sure the documentation/time stamps are correct in the EMR?