Wiki Eczema and Injections with OV

Tampa, FL
Best answers
I've read through my guidelines and various posts here, so I understand that first - I can bill an OV with an injection if the OV is separate and identifiable, and second - I do not need a separate diagnosis code to bill out the OV.

I also understand that even with minor procedures, if you scribble out everything related to the procedure and there is nothing left, you don't have a distinguishable office visit. AND, I understand that if a patient is seen and then scheduled at a later time for an injection, when they come back for that injection there is no office visit.

I get all of that, but I'm still having some trouble with patients who present with a new problem.

Pt comes with dry itchy skin. We do a HPI, an exam of the effected areas, diagnose her with Eczema and do an injection. That is it.

Is there a billable office visit there?

If I assume that 96372 is a minor procedure, then scribbling out everything related to that leaves me without an office visit.