Wiki Early/Late onset Alzheimer's disease.

Miami, FL
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Our Doctors documents Early/Late onset Alzheimer's disease, If going through index, under Disease it leads you to code G30.0/1 and also F02.80, my question is, Does doctor needs to document dementia and make the proper link to code (F02.80)? or as its state late/early onset we can code dementia without documentation?.
Thanks, I really appreciate if anyone could help me.
Hello -
if the doctor chooses any "F" codes for alzheimer's/dementia, we change it to G30.9
Hope this helps.
Stephanie G - CPC with My Dr Now.
That's the point, they don't document dementia, they document just late or early onset Alzheimer's disease, but the book leads you to code dementia also with his description, what would you do? Code also dementia?
I think the dementia is a given, however the provider must document whether or not there are behavioral disturbances. Only then could you correctly code the condition. The F02 code does need to be coded with the G30.9.