Wiki ear leavage

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Can anyone help out with this, patient is seen for an ear leavage (bilateral). My co-worker says we need to bill as follows:


I think it should be:
69210-50 as that is what the CPT book states.

Thanks for any help
Its Payer specific. Some want it the CPT book way and some want it your coworkers way. You can always check your payers payment policies or maybe give them a call.
69210 is NOT for lavage!

69210 is for removal of impacted cerumen requiring instrumentation. CPT book says for cerumen removal by irrigation only, use an E/M service code. 69210 used to be for one or both ears, but that changed for 2015 to be unilateral. Just don't use it for only lavage, because if you are audited, documentation of just lavage will not support 69210.