Wiki E-visit

La Marque, TX
Best answers
We have a Provider who cannot see Pediatric patients. In order to have the Provider not turn away any children, we were looking for a way to see them. One solution was an e-visit. This Provider will see the patient and will utilize the webcam feature to have another Provider from within the company but in another clinic (location) to go over what has taken place and visit (examine) with the patient via webcam to confirm what the original Provider has assessed. Is this legal? Does this constitute an e-visit and if so, should we bill 99444? And what about the GT modifier? Who is the rendering provider? Which location should we use?
You should look at the telemedicine G codes. I am not sure what you are describing will qualify though. My understanding was telemedicine was more for rural locations.
The 99444 must be initiated by the patient and is billed by the provider that responded.