Wiki E&m within global period

Best answers
I'm not sure whether I can bill this admit but thought I would ask. Patient has fem-pop bypass Jan 2, 2010 by my physician and the same physician admits this patient into ICU at the hospital due to this bypass graft being occluded. Can I bill this E&M?

Donna G :)
Time frame?

When was patient admitted to ICU? Immediately after surgery? Two days later? Two weeks later? Two months?

The way I read your question surgery was in January, and admission was very recently. If that is the case, I would code it with a -24 modifier. An occlusion requiring critical care services is definitely not routine postoperative care.

That being said. If your patient is covered by Medicare they probably will not pay for it ... though they will pay for a return to the OR for corrective surgery.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels,CPC, CEMC