Wiki E/M with new psych codes, 25 modifier?


Fort Wayne
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We have just got our first denial on the new psych codes and I am wondering if anyone else is having this problem yet. I billed a 99213 with a 90833 which is an add-on code. The collector is wondering if I should have put a -25 on the E/M but since the 90833 is an add-on code I feel like I shouldn't have to. Anyone have any insight?
I am in the same boat. I haven't put them on, but our billing department has the accounts on hold until I put them on. I would love to know how others are doing it too!
We ended up calling the insurance company and they had not updated their systems with the new codes in time so it was not billied wrong, just processed incorrectly. I have been billing them without modifiers and haven't had a problem since.