Wiki E/M with Fracture Care


Local Chapter Officer
Marshfield, WI
Best answers
Do you include the initial fracture evaluation with a fracture care code in the office? Example I have is the urgent care physician saw the patient, obtained x-rays and noted wrist fracture. Patient was splinted and sent to ortho and seen within 5 days. Orthopod evaluates, reviews previous x-ray and determines there is a slight displacement and reduces the fracture in the office. Takes additional x-rays and casts pt. Would you allow an E/M to be billed with the fracture care code with manipulation? The patient had already received an initial eval and x-rays identified the fracture so the thought is that the E/M is included.
I would let your doctor have the office visit. Even if an Urgent care physician did see the patient, your doctor had to evaluate that fracture, review those x-rays, get more x-rays, determine what care was needed for the fracture, etc. etc.

If documentation supports that he evaluated the patient to determine the fracture care required, then I would let him/her have the office visit.