Wiki E/M vs Eye codes


Arcadia, FL
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Can any one explain when to use E/M vs eye codes? I've read the CPT descriptions and it seems to me that eye codes are to be used when a patient is going to surgery or a treatment plan is started. I know it's not this simple, but I'm really having trouble with the descriptions in the book. Please help! Thank you!
I work at a large university eye center and the only time I use E/M's is if the visit is for a more 'medical' visit. I have an eye cancer provider who does the full documentation for E/M's because he views the eye issues as complications of the cancer. My glaucoma providers and retina providers use the eye codes almost exclusively because the desription states the visit can be for initiation or continuation of a current treatment plan.

Does this help any? I have been coding ophthalmology for 3 years.
Yes, that helped! Thank you!
Do you mind if I contact you again with other questions? It's hard to find Coders who actually work in the ophthalmology specialty.\\
I would strongly suggest checking out the AAO website. They have a lot of help on there. Sue Viccherelli (sp?) Is the eye coding guru! Just went to the AAO codequest and was very informative. There is a lot on that site in regards to coding. You can even ask them a coding question for a reliable answer.