Wiki E/M Visit W/Out Patient???


Galveston, TX
Best answers
Can a visit be billed when the patient's wife show's up without the patient? The patient and wife are in their 70's and it is too hard for the wife to get the patient to the appointment so she showed up without him to get medication refills.

The wife gives the doctor a history of what has been going on with the patient since the patient was last seen and the physician gave her the med refills for her husband.

Want to make sure that I'm not overlooking some CPT code that might be appropriate for this scenario before I no charge the visit.

Professional services are face to face and more over the patients wife is coming only to get medication refills and no evaluations is done. so you cannot bill and EM code.

Further discussion is always better.
Can a visit be billed when the patient's wife show's up without the patient? The patient and wife are in their 70's and it is too hard for the wife to get the patient to the appointment so she showed up without him to get medication refills.

The wife gives the doctor a history of what has been going on with the patient since the patient was last seen and the physician gave her the med refills for her husband.

Want to make sure that I'm not overlooking some CPT code that might be appropriate for this scenario before I no charge the visit.


was the amount of time spent documented?