Wiki E/M Visit w/ Colonoscopy / EGD inpt same day


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We have physicians and PA's that see pts inpatient for and E/M. they are sending me notes for subsequesnt visit and procedure( colo or egd) on the same day. I am confused at to what modifier to use or if I can even charge and e/m visit. We have been debating this in our office and I need some clarification. for Example pt had consult on 6-28-14 subsequent visit on 6-29-14 and on 6-30-14. Dr. also performed a colonoscopy on pt 6-30-14. Previous coder in our office did not use -57 at all to my knowledge and may have used -25. I am new to coding hospital visit and procedures. Any help is greatly appreciated.
There should be no visit charged on the day of the procedure. Colonoscopies require prep so unless this is an emergency this procedure was scheduled at a previous visit, you cannot charge a visit level on the day of a scheduled procedure unless the visit is for a completely different reason.