Wiki E&M Speciality Certification


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I have registered to take the E&M speciality exam. I obtained my CPC two years ago. I have interviewed with McKesson in the past for and E&M position, but I did not have enough experience. The group that I work for uses EMR and therefore the doctors simply click on what they did, and then the front desk person imports the charges and they get billed out. (We are a 16 physician multi-speciality group) I am the billing manager and we only have to get involved when a claim denies for various reasons. The only charges we bill here at the billing office are imaging and lab. I explained to the gentleman at McKesson that with EMR, no one has to read a clinical note and code it out. Has anyone else ran into this? I also know that at other practices in and around our town most of the front desk employees simply code off of a superbill that the physician circles what he did....I am just curious that with the government pushing EMR that more and more offices will have the simplicity of the click of a button and out the door it goes.
I have registered to take the E&M speciality exam. I obtained my CPC two years ago. I have interviewed with McKesson in the past for and E&M position, but I did not have enough experience. The group that I work for uses EMR and therefore the doctors simply click on what they did, and then the front desk person imports the charges and they get billed out. (We are a 16 physician multi-speciality group) I am the billing manager and we only have to get involved when a claim denies for various reasons. The only charges we bill here at the billing office are imaging and lab. I explained to the gentleman at McKesson that with EMR, no one has to read a clinical note and code it out. Has anyone else ran into this? I also know that at other practices in and around our town most of the front desk employees simply code off of a superbill that the physician circles what he did....I am just curious that with the government pushing EMR that more and more offices will have the simplicity of the click of a button and out the door it goes.

I do not like the idea of coding from a Super Bill, coding should be based off of documentation not what they circle. (thats J.M.O) I recieved my CEMC last year, and I am glad I did. Having the E & M training and certification, I feel gives me an edge on someone who doesnt't. Yes EMR makes it easier on the Docs (maybe) and maybe a little harder on us coders to find work. But believe me Doctors and EMR's are not always right. There will always be a need to check behind the Providors and the EMR's when something is denied, bundled, audited and not to mention check to make sure there is no cloning going on etc...
I may not use my CEMC everyday but it is a cert that I feel is helpful for me and looks good for my office having a certified evaluation and management coder that can go behind and verify what is being billed.
J.M.O (just my opinion)
Happy Coding!