Wiki E/M scenarios


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Hello Experts,

Can you please assist me on a few scenarios and your rationale for your coding selection? Thanks in advance.

Scenario 1
a patient was referred to the gastroenterologist for his diverticulitis. The doctor performed a comprehensive history and physical exam was done. He also did a rectal exam and administered a barium enema, and ordered labs. How would you code this?

Scenario 2
Patient urgently sees an orthopedic doctor for knee stiffness and pain. Doctor performs a detailed history, comprehensive exam, and moderate decision making? How would you code this?

Scenario 3
Problem focused exam
expanded problem focused history
Low complexity
Prescribed 1 several new medications
There's not enough information here to be able to accurately choose E&M codes - to start with, you haven't identified if these are new or established patients or the place of service, which would need to be known. But even given those, you already have the levels of the key components identified, so it's just a matter of matching them to the code - what kind of assistance or input exactly are you looking for?