Wiki E & M review of systems


Clio, MI
Best answers
I need some clarification regarding the review of systems. To get a complete ROS does the doctor have to dictate 10 systems and then state that the remaining 4 are negative or is it permissable for the doctor to dictate 6 and then state except for those mentioned above, 14 systems were reviewed with the patient and all are negative?

Thank you for your help
I've always instructed my providers to document all the pertinant positive/negative ROS as it pertains to the presenting problem and then document "the remaining systems were reviewed and are negative". Try and stay away from an actual # of systems. It's easier for the providers to document w/o counting systems.

Remember the presenting problem(s) must warrant the comprehensive ROS and I ask my providers to document at least 4 pertinant positive/negatives before using the blanket statment.

Hope this helps!