Wiki E/M question

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Hello, i need to code - "RN reported that patient has a pain of rt hip and relived with tylenol. Xray to be completed today, will add small dose tramadol"
what E/M code should i put?
Patient is not present.

Thank you in advanced!
Hello, i need to code - "RN reported that patient has a pain of rt hip and relived with tylenol. Xray to be completed today, will add small dose tramadol"
what E/M code should i put?
Patient is not present.

Thank you in advanced!
There is no E&M that can be billed for this documentation. It appears that RN evaluated the patient and apparently ordered an X-ray, and the provider is now reporting this is what happened. This is not billable. An RN is not allowed to evaluate a patient for symptoms and determine a plan a of care.