Wiki E & M question


Clio, MI
Best answers
Has anyone ever run across this:

We are a consulting cardiology practice. Our doctor sees a patient three times, once for CP and recommends a stress echo with a return visit for results. On the return visit the patient is found to have high blood pressure. He adjusts the meds and wants the patient to return in a month for a recheck of the blood pressure. On the last visit he dictates one letter with the information from all three visits. The physical exam has the vitals from the last visit and the rest of the information is from the first visit. The EKG is from the first visit and there is not date with the results on the last letter stating that the EKG is from the previous date. Is it okay to do just one letter for all three visits and combine results from all three? He has billed for all three visits and dictated once.

Thank you for your help.
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