Wiki E/M question about places of service...


Burlington, NC
Best answers
As i'm studying these e/m guidelines, I feel as if the pattern is that the e/m service code to use depends on where the patient ENDED up. For example, if the patient has an OUTPATIENT encounter, but ends up in "OBSERVATION STATUS" then the code from INITIAL OBSERVATION STATUS section is used.

However, if they are in OBSERVATION STATUS, and then are ADMITTED, then an INITIAL HOSPITAL CARE code is used.

Is this correct. Is the correct code to be used, dependant on where they were finally seen before discharge? Thank you.

Yes. Just be sure your looking at the "time guidelines" for observation when determining which code to use. :)
Tiiime is on my side...

For consultations as well as office visits and hospital inpatient visits, etc. ensure that total time is documented and that 50% or more of that total time was spent on counseling or coordination of care. See the CPT guidelines for more information.