Wiki E&M, new or established


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Doc saw a patient 3 mos. ago and allergy tested her to foods and inhalants. Patient returns for stinging insect allergy consult and is tested same visit At the second visit, doc says to charge her new patient level E&M because it's the first time he has seen her for the stinging insect allergy. I say she is an established patient and this is a new problem and to code 99211-99214.

2nd part as an afterthought, would she be new patient on the second visit if she had seen another partner in the practice, but of the same specialty?

By the way, we are allergists.
A new patient is someone that has not had any face to face encounter with the provider or another provider of the exact same speciality who belongs to the same group practice within the last 3 years.
So your answer would be no, she would not be a new patient to the same doctor even though she is being treated for a different diagnosis. And no she would not be a new patient to the other provider, because he is in the same speciality and same group.
New problem in an Established patient is an Established patient (w/in 3 years, same group, same specialty, same sub specialty.)