Wiki E&M New or Est?


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Our group has just started dipping our hands in E&M. So I am not extremely familiar with what we would do in this case on determining if this would be New or Established.

We did a reading of outside films on March 30th 2011 (76140). The patient is now in the hospital and we did and E&M service so would he be considered established because we did a 'service' for him in March?

A patient is established if the physician (or any other provider in the same practice with the same specialty) has provided ANY face-to-face service to the patient in the last 3 years.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
So since the previous service was a reading of outside films from a different facility, there was no face to face time so would you code it as a new patient? :) Sorry I am just a little nervous....
So since the previous service was a reading of outside films from a different facility, there was no face to face time so would you code it as a new patient? :) Sorry I am just a little nervous....

Then it would be initial. In order for it to be established, then there has to be FACE TO FACE.