Wiki E/M new guidelines

Sioux Falls
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Using the new E/M guidelines, if a patient comes in with covid symptoms, has a test and tests positive. The provider just tells patient to isolate, drink fluids and return if worsening. My providers are thinking this is a 99214. I say 99213. What are others thoughts on this.
What makes you think this is a 99213? Take a look at a current MDM chart that includes information on all levels in the Risk category and see what you think when you look specifically in that category for what level the visit should be.
Using the new E/M guidelines, if a patient comes in with covid symptoms, has a test and tests positive. The provider just tells patient to isolate, drink fluids and return if worsening. My providers are thinking this is a 99214. I say 99213. What are others thoughts on this.
based on just the information you give .. If no time documented, using MDM chart, 99213 sounds about right.

Problem address - Moderate, (+Covid)
data = low (order/result of positive test)
risk = low (isolate, drink fluids)
My opinion is 99212.
Problem complexity is low (acute, uncomplicated illness). Possibly could be moderate if there are systemic symptoms, but there's not enough detail to know.
Data is minimal. Only 1 test was ordered/reviewed, and two are required to get to low.
Risk is minimal for home care instructions. I would give it low risk if the provider had recommended over the counter meds.
If a provider notes patient has been taking OTC which has been helpful and provider does NOT discontinue these OTC, does that make it low risk?
The provider needs to make a decision regarding the medication, not simply state that the patient is taking it. Continue, discontinue, increase dose, increase frequency. There needs to be a medical decision.