Wiki E/M Modifier Assistant


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On 03/31/14 pt has I&D for paronychia of finger/pyogenic granuloma. Comes back on the 04/03/14 and receives a rocephin injection to finger due to infection. What modifier is appropriate (if any) to code for the 04/03 E/M visit since this is on global for I&D?

Any advice or direction would be appreciated. Please and thank you.
I am assuming the I&D was coded with 10060 or 10061? If so, both codes are on a 10 (11) day global period. This means any complications from the procedure that can be treated in the office and do not require a surgery suite are considered packaged into the original code. You may be able to bill for the drug though (?) but not a separately payable visit (E/M) code.

More experienced coders please feel free to correct me!