Wiki E&M level for FACILITY ED charge


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I am getting started on a project at my hospital and need advise. Is there any type of E&M audit tool that will show the proper level of service that the facility charges? Most of the ones I see are focused on the physician side of the charging. Our nurses use a charge sheet that adds points for what they do. I need to make sure it is correct.

Also, they do not currently charge for injections/infusions because they use it for "points" on the E&M charge. Is that correct? I dont see why we could not charge both.

Thanks for any help.
The facility E&M is based on criteria developed by the facility and a point system is acceptable. However you may not assign point for a procedure or service that has a CPT code, because you cannot double dip and you cannot substitute a piont on the E&m for a CPT code.
Thank you. So, as far as you know there is no reason the facility should not be capturing these other services like IM, IVP, Infusions ect..? :)