Wiki E&M level for 1 chronic problem


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
So if an established patient comes in for hearing loss which has been monitored for over a year, this would count as one chronic problem.
If our MD is looking at audio tests which we are also billing for, what would be the level? (assuming no Rx, no OTC, no discussion of surgery, no other tests ordered/reviewed, no independent historian)

(I was under the impression that this would be a 99213 because it is a level higher than " 1 self-limited or minor problem" for straightforward, level 2.) That decision making is Low risk if over and above 1 self limited problem
From how I understand it, if you are already billing for a service like an audio test, then you cannot count it in the e/m leveling since that would be considered "double-dipping" which is a no-no.