Wiki E/M HPI Screening GI specialist

Anna Weaver

Kokomo, IN
Best answers
Patient is 50 year old male here for pre work for screening colonoscopy. No GI symptoms, no urinary symptoms. No family history of GI issues. Patient here due to age for screening.

this is the HPI for one of our GI specialists. What kind of an HPI can you get out of this? He does a very good complete (rest of history-ROS and PFSH), Enough of an exam for an EPF or detailed and MDM of moderate level. Not sure what to do with this as I see a brief (1-3)HPI. There is not enough documentation for preventive services. He is strictly going by Components.
He wants to bill a 99204, but I have to reduce it to a 99202 and from 99214 to 99213 most of the time.
Any help appreciated! (please?)

You can try using a pre-screening code for the e/m and dx but good luck getting it paid. Most carriers fight that claim and consider the pre/post to be part of the colonoscopy screening itself.
Office visit prior to Screening colon is considered part of the global package and is not seperately reimbursed or billable. Also there is no chief complaint.
He doesn't have a complaint. He's just here for consultation to determine whether he will/will not have a colonoscopy screening done. He did have, but for GI specialists, this makes it very difficult. Patients call all the time saying they want a colonoscopy. So, even though it's not determined before hand that the colonoscopy will be done, you say they shouldn't bill once they determine they will do it?
Found my answer on another post on here as well. Shouldn't be doing an exam if they are being referred for colonoscopy as Kpekios says. It's all inclusive. Thanks for the replies!