Wiki E/M Help!!!!


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I recently started a job at the University of Utah pediatrics department. I am having a little trouble with E/M code levels. Anyone have any tips to make E/M coding a little easier??? Any input is GREATLY appreciated! :)
It gets easier with practice - I know that's a total cliche, but it's true. I can probably help you with specific stuff that you're having a hard time with, but I'd need a little more info on what you think is hard (everybody's different)...E/M is so complicated with so many different elements, that it's hard to give advice about everything without writing a book...What's tripping you up? I might be able to explain how I learned it...:)
1995 guidelines

In my experience, the 1995 guidelines are more easily met in the pediatrics environment than the 1997 guidelines.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
:eek: Yes I agree, practice makes perfect! I work for a specialist, so usually they get higher levels, & ecspecially if they decide surgery. See if your new job has any cheat sheets or any grids that can help you out. Also, maybe the auditing team at your hospital could give you some pointers. Good Luck!