Wiki E&M Help

Thornton, CO
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I have been in risk adjustment coding for several years now, but recently have an opportunity to go back to E&M. I want to brush up on leveling etc that's not used in risk adjustment. Does anyone know of some helpful resources that don't cost and arm and a leg? Thanks!
Here are some references, reading material, tips & tricks, along with answering any specific questions you might have:

CMS E/M guildelines - I always start out with these as the base line, and then go from there
Local MAC - Depending on where the provider practices, there might be some local E/M guidelines.
E/M University - Another good resource created my an actual MD (and CPC coder). Some of his stuff is free, and there are some you can pay for.
AAPC E/M Online Course - Definitely not free, but another resource if you need a refresher. Also, consider grabbing the E/M Exam Study Guide and/or Practice Exams.
AAPC did a free PowerPoint presentation as an overview. It's from 2012, but could still be helpful.

E/M Audit Tools:

NGS Audit Tool (MAC)
Highmark Virginia BCBS Audit Tool
Novitas Interactive Audit Tool
Novitas Paper Audit Tool

That should be a start. Let me know if you have more questions!