Wiki E/M guidelines


Iron Station, NC
Best answers
Can anyone tell me the reason for having both 1995 and 1997 guidelines? I know that either one can be used as long as they are not used together. But why are there 2 sets? Why would the 1997 not have just replaced the 1995?
Can anyone tell me the reason for having both 1995 and 1997 guidelines? I know that either one can be used as long as they are not used together. But why are there 2 sets? Why would the 1997 not have just replaced the 1995?

The 97 guidelines work okay for some doctors, but others find the bullets arbitrary. It's all about personal preference, really. One isn't better than the other, as far as authorities on the issue are concerned. ;)
The 1997 guidelines were supposed to replace the 1995 guidlelines. But after the 1997 guidelines were introduced, there were many complaints. For some specialties, there was not an exam that applied to the way those doctors practiced, for example Pediatrics. A pediatrcian does not perform a 1997 general multspecialty exam or any other 97 exam. So, they went back to allowing the provider to choose 1995 or 1997, which ever is most benficial to the provider.