Wiki E&M for Routine Colonoscopy-Help


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I know this has been addressed before but hope to get solid advice on the following:
Our office is in New York where direct access is not allowed, so when a PCP sends the patient to the gastro physician for a colonoscopy, the gastro must evaluate the patient and then he is the one to order the colonoscopy. So when the gastro does his E&M one week prior to the test and there is no injury or illness, just routine, can we bill the E&M? I believe we are unable to bill a visit without a problem or possible comorbidities to review for risk to meet key component guidelines. Any help is appreciated!!
Thank you for the direction. I will research further with codapedia and Medicare because I'm really not sure if "no direct access" come into play at all. I believe if it is strickly routine the provider can't bill for an E&M.