Wiki E&M for Prescription renewal w/unplan Toradol


Atwater, OH
Best answers
Looking for some opinions, as the more I think about this the more I confuse myself.....

We have several pts coming in on a monthly basis for evaluation & renewal of their narcotics...occassionally they are complaining about increased pain in the body area for which the prescription was written, and it is decided to administer a Toradol Inj for relief....

Can we append the 25 modifier to the E&M?? At first I thought we could as the injection was an afterthought and not what we were seeing the pt for on the DOS (prescription renewal)...but now I am second guessing myself as it is for the related condition, even though I know you do not need a differing Dx.

Any other thoughts on this would be appreciated to clear my mind...


PSS: I did find other threads related...but still would like opinions. Thanks.
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