Wiki E/M for Breast Surgeon


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Hey y'all! I am in a bit of a quandry with this one. Please review this documentation and tell me what is the highest level HPI I can charge for and the rationale as to why, as well as ideas on how to make this a comprehensive HPI.
"This is a 55 year old woman referred by her PCP for surgical evaluation of an abnormal mammogram. She denies nipple discharge, skin changes, or palpable breast masses. She has no family history of breast or ovarian cancer. She states that she was in for her yearly mammogram and was called back for further imaging. I have reviewed the mammograms as well as the radiology report and agree with their findings. The diagnostic imaging performed on 11/5/13 showed loosely grouped clusters of pleomorphic microcalcifications beneath the right nipple. These were noted to be slowly increasing compared to older films. They have a somewhat linear configuration and could represent vascular calcifications although other etiologies are not excluded."
Thanks in advance for your help!