Wiki E/M for 2023


Mooresville, NC
Best answers
I have never learned E/M yet. I purchased a 2022 course bundle in late July, being told I can use it to take the test for one year from date of purchase. Unfortunately, the teacher is TODAY quoting E/M guidelines from 1995/1997. Are those not irrelevant currently in 2023 (and will be for the 2023 test). This was done AFTER I'd brought up my concerns about the course being drastically outdated as it pertains to E/M. Am I supposed to learn 1995-1997 guidelines currently???
I personally see no reason why a course taught today should reference 1995 or 1997 guidelines. If it's course/syllabus that you purchased and started in 2022, I could understand why the 1995/1997 guidelines are there. However, if it is a live instructor led course, they should be teaching you only the current guidelines in my opinion. If I were you, I would focus my energy and study only the 2021 guidelines, which in 2022 were for office/outpatient. If you understand them for office/outpatient, it's easy enough to translate them to the other places of service. The 2021 definitions/guidelines had very minor changes for 2023. The big change is simply which place of service they are being applied to.
What is the reference point or information they are trying to get across with the 95/97? I can see why it might be brought up in a course to help students understand the prior guidelines in sort of a "how we got here today" manner. However, if you are brand new and have never coded E/M you should be learning the "new" and current guidelines for all E/M. I agree if the course was dated in 2022 95/97 would be there but like Christine said, a "live" class shouldn't be teaching it. I feel it is still helpful to have an understanding, it also has a place for those who might be training in auditing. For example, I do retrospective auditing so I need to know 95/97, 2021 office/outpatient, and 2023 forward guidelines.

Was it an AAPC course bundle?
i just took the 2023 CFPC online exam and there were no questions regarding the 95/97 guidelines. which i was worried about.. not sure if that helps you at all.. i guess it depends on the certification you are sitting for.