Wiki E/M Exam question


Knoxville, TN
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I am auditing for a physician that doesn't perform an exam for each visit, but rather references an exam from a previous visit and notes that there are no changes.

Is he allowed to get credit for this prior exam in the same manner that we can give credit for a ROS that was previously obtained if the provider documents that it was reviewed and notes any changes? Please provide references for your answer.

No, the exam has to be real time. The DG (both 95 and 97) indicate the BA/OS that "must be examined" in order to qualify for a particular level of exam. As an Objective element of the SOAP note, the provider cannot use another physician's subjective opinion to qualify for his/her exam.

Pulling over exam documentation from a previous encounter is just that kind of EHR documentation concern that's prevalent on the CMS's and the OIG's radar. Make sure they do the work.