Wiki E&M established patient sent to ER from office visit

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Need help on how to code this scenario:

Pt is established pt. Comes to clinic for standard follow up visit. All goes well. Then stops and gets Allergy Injection (no changes to dose strength etc.)
Pt 20 minutes later goes into full-blown anaphylaxis in the waiting room. Has to be taken to ER, gets breathing treatments x 2, epinephrine, re-assessment, and an ambulance is even called. Can I still bill for the E&M visit and the allergy shot OR is that visit now considered to be the H&P for the admission?
Your practice gets to bill for 1 E&M this day and include all work.
IF your clinician saw the patient in the hospital same day, typically you would bill the hospital E&M only (include all work for leveling).
IF patient was sent to ER via ambulance, but your practice did not see the patient in the hospital same day, you code outpatient E&M for all the work you performed in your office.