Wiki E/M course thru AAPC


San Diego
Best answers
Has anyone taken the E/M course thru AAPC? I was wondering if this class will be enough to prepare me for the CEMC certification? Does it provide a good understating of how to code for E/M?

I was also thinking about taking the E/M course thru Coding Strategies.

So if anyone has taken either of these course I would really appreciate some feedback on them?


Michelle, CPC, CCC
I did not take the class, but I did buy the study guide and the practice test. With your CPC you should be able to do pretty well with these two items as you have the basics for coding. You may want to get the study guide and then decide if the additional money for the class is worth it.

Thank you,
Chelle Johnson, CPC-CPCO-CPPM-CEMC
CBO/Credentialing/Auditing Supervisor
I wasn't thrilled with the AAPC course. I got a 69 on the first time I took the exam( I was sick as a dog that day and should've paid the money to reschedule) and still waiting my results for the second. I bought the course because I psyched myself out and if you have a firm basis in em coding already, it didn't shed much light on anything for me.

Tracey Ossowski CPC, CPMA