Wiki E/M coding question

Bonaire, GA
Best answers
The physician saw the patient in the hospital and does ever so incompletely document, three or four lines at the most and then performs a cath, then two days later the PA dictates and sees patient documenting a Consult to me this is loopy and is confusing me, I'm thinking I can't code the doctor because he doesn't meet criteria for any level of EM service, the PA meets a lower level inpatient code but it's not the primary visit by our practice so I'm thinking it should be a follow up code, meaning even though we did consult for this patient the chronology doesn't fit. Can anyone else give me a another point of view.
EMG and New Pt Consult

if we do an EMG/NCV on a patient and nothing else. Can we then see them back in the office and do an initial consult.
There is no Physical exam or plan. Just diagnostic testing.