Wiki E/M coding an MVA


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I code E/M visits inpatient.
If a patient is admitted for an MVA and my Doc visits every day for a week, do I use the MVA E codes for each daily charge? He turns in one charge sheet for the week. If the patient then goes in to acute long term care for more than a month, do I continue to use the original MVA E codes for each charge? A late effect code? doesn't seem to fit since they are still being treated for the original and ongoing injuries. Or just code the injuries without either an E code or a late effect?

Thank You for any help!
I code for the ER facility side. We use the E codes on the original visit only. If the patient is admitted it is used on the original admission and then if patient is back again it isn't added. I agree that Late effect codes would seem inappropriate. Sorry I can't be more help as I strictly code for the facility.
for now for ICD-9 we use the E codes only for the initial encounter, however for ICD-10 CM the system is set up that the external cause codes (V, W, X, Y) codes will be used for every encounter.
This is a question I have had as well. If you see a patient with an 8 or 9 dx code, I've always been taught to include the E code. However, I've also read that the E code only needs to be used for the initial visit. If anyone can provide a link to information stating which way it should be, please share.

After initial treatment for the injury then you should not be using the injury code anymore either, so it goes hand in hand, for ICD-9. Once the injury has been treated then you should use other codes for the aftercare encounters, such as V codes for follow up or complication codes if that is the case. So if you use an injury code you need an E code. Both coded at the initial treatment encounter. So I guess my question is when are you using injury codes when it is not the initial treatment.
For example, pt comes in with a skull fracture from an injury and requires surgery. The fracture code is used during the initial encounter as well as the surgery and is a 8XX.XX code.