Wiki E/M Bell Curves


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
I am not sure if this question has been answered in this forum before or not, but does anyone know where I can find the national bell curve averages for E/M codes, please? I have heard that MGMA publishes this info, but I am not a member of MGMA. Do you have to be a member of MGMA to access this info, or is their another source for this info (i.e., CMS)? Thanks and I hope my question makes sense.
E/M Bell CUrves

Dawson, We use data from obtained from Decidion Health (ISBN 978-1-935477-53-2). They can be reached at 1-877-602-3835 (Customer Service) or access their web site Hope this helps. JT
CMS has this information. I was always using their data. Also TMA has national data (usually it is more current than CMS) and state data, but the sate data is only for Texas.

Sofia MS, CPC