Wiki E&M and Protime

No you cannot. You use the blood collection code. You have no significant medical service other than the blood collection to render therefore there is no justification for the 99211.
No you cannot. You use the blood collection code. You have no significant medical service other than the blood collection to render therefore there is no justification for the 99211.

I have a provider that bills a 99211 with an INR lab when he has to adjust the coumadin regime. I have not read anywhere where he cannot do this.
I have a provider that bills a 99211 with an INR lab when he has to adjust the coumadin regime. I have not read anywhere where he cannot do this.

You need to read up on this. CMS had it stated on multiple transmittals that you cannot use a 99211 for a blood collection encounter. Even though it is a 99211 in order to bill it in addition to the blood collection you must meet the criteria of significant and separately identifiable. In addition the improper use of the 99211 level is still on the OIG work plan of things to look into.
Your provider is correct Saedron so long as a few requirements are met.
A dosing change is management that influences patient care. So long as the rest of the record indicates evaluation (ie HX)
There is quite a bit written on this:
http://medicaleconomics.modernmedic...dle-dreaded-prothrombin-time-99211-?page=full CoagHandbook 2009.pdf

Remember that PT/INR with no dosing change or patient education = PT/INR only.

The last caveat to this is that the medication adjustment direction to the patient MUST take place face to face. This is the killer for billing 99211. In most cases the patient will come into the office/be triaged/has the blood draw and leave. If the physician decides to change the dosing he/she will instruct the nurse and the nurse will call the patient to update the dose. In this scenario the "M" part of E&M has not happened face to face and that effectively nullifies the ability to bill 99211.
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PT/INR coding a 99211 visit

In our office we do not do a blood draw, we use a coag device that gives real time results, the doctor is consulted about the result and if the medication is adjusted we do bill a 99211.