Wiki E Code / Complexity Code


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Please help settle a debate: pediatric patient comes in for physical. There are the 4 regular codes and an E code for obesity that goes on the complexity code. Another biller says an E code cannot be the first entry on a line, but my contention is it's a continuation of the line above. Correct?
I have no idea what you mean by a 'complexity code' or about a code being the 'continuation of the line above'. But your biller may be confusing ICD-9 with ICD-10. Under ICD-9, 'E Codes' were the external cause codes which were not allowed as a primary diagnosis code. In ICD-10, codes that begin with E are not external cause codes, and may be the first-listed code on any claim or charge.
It is entirely possible that some of this is related to your software and some is lack of coding knowledge somewhere along the line.

you say there are 4 regular codes
Are you referring to the 4 codes maximum that can be linked to a line item CPT code?

then you add that there’s an E code for obesity that goes on the complexity code.
Here is where you are losing us. What is “the complexity code”.
Obesity is an E66.- code and it can be any one of the maximum allowed codes on the claim.
I have never heard of an ICD-10 CM code referred to as a complexity code.
Then you say a biller states an E code cannot be the first entry on a line
All endocrine code are codes that begin with E such as E11.9 for type 2 diabetes
Most E codes are allowed as first listed codes so this statement is definitely puzzling
I still am unclear what you mean when you say it is a continuation of the line above.

if you can clarify these issues we may be able to be of greater assistance