Wiki DX Question


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I am relatively new at coding and since I am the only one in my office I have no one to bounce ideas off of. So, I have a question. A patient comes into the office for a re-pap due to an "unsatifactory pap" 6 months ago. The NP codes this office visit as 99213. What dx code should be assigned? I've read the entire progress note but I'm not sure what dx code to use. The only other notes states first follow up, pap dx negative. V76.2- papanicolaou smear cervix? V76.47 - papanicolaou smear vagina? Maybe I need to queery the NP for more info? Any help will be greatly appreciate! :)
How was the original PAP unsatisfactory? Was it due to abnormal result or insufficient sample?

I ended up calling and asking. I was told that the pap specimen wasn't enough to run the test the first time. Can this even be billed this time around? Or maybe 795.08- inadequate cytology sample?
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If it was an insufficient sample the pap should be performed at no charge. I hope this helps.

No since there is no specific code for a PAP collection it is the office encounter. If the provider failed to capture enough of a sample the first time then this is not the patient's fault or responsibility. I agree with the dx code of 795.08
No since there is no specific code for a PAP collection it is the office encounter. If the provider failed to capture enough of a sample the first time then this is not the patient's fault or responsibility. I agree with the dx code of 795.08

Just so I have this clear. You think I can bill 99213 with a dx code of 795.08? Or no I can not bill this, unless maybe other services were done during this encounter??