Wiki DX pointers when billing preventive cpt with E/M


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Dx Z00.121, F25.9, R63.4, J30.9 I believe the only DX that should be on pointing to preventive 99394 is Z00.121, the other DXs would point to 99213 25 Is this correct? How can I explain it? I am being told because Z00.121 is abnormal findings all the other DX codes have to point to 99394.
if an E/M is supported by the documentation (there has to have been work above and beyond the preventive visit), I would code it as:

99394 - Z00.121, F25.9, R63.4, J30.9
99213 -25 - F25.9, R63.4, J30.9

if you look in your ICD book, under the code Z00.121, it states: "use additional code to identify abnormal findings"