Wiki DX Order


Spartanburg, SC
Best answers
I work in a Gatroenterology office. If I have a new patient that is referred to us for a screening colonoscopy but during the office visit in the review of systems it states "admits to feeling very depressed and does not want to live at times since his left arm fracture." and in then under assessment it states 1. "This is a 53 year old male who is here for a screening colonoscopy." 2. "Alcohol abuse. We discussed this in some detail. I think the patient may be self medicating his depression with alcohol."

Can I bill this to BCBS w/ CPT code 99203 and DX 1)311 Depression 2)305.00 Alcohol Abuse 3)V76.51 Screening Colon or do I have to list the V76.51 as the primary DX?

I know if we file it w/ just the V76.51 that BCBS will deny.