Wiki DX=monitor drug side effects


Rohnert Park, CA
Best answers
I don't think this is a legit diagnosis. What am I missing? The visit was for a psych med and the side effect was a previous QT prolongation, which after an EKG during this visit, was found NOT to be there. She was checking to see if the medication was STILL causing that side effect, which it wasn't. How do I code that one?

Am I correct in asking the MD to return the visit to me with a diagnosis for the medication being taken?
Maybe start with the condition that the drug is being taken for, or the side effects that happen from the drug with an E code, or the long-term drug monitoring.

Maybe the doctor can be a little more specific on which dx he chooses then you will have a better chance of applying the right code to it in order to cover the testing. I would query the physician.